Be seen, heard, and loved.
Power to Pursue is a movement for women, by women.
In a world so often biased against us, collaboration and community are invaluable. We’re working together to level the playing field, and invite women at all stages of their journey to join us.
Our events foster safe spaces where women feel supported, celebrated, and seen. Through year-long programming and our annual empowerment summit, we bring together like-minded people on diverse paths. When we share our journeys and truly listen, we can help each other uncover our own power to pursue.
This community is creating space for women like we’ve not seen before. In 2023, our May conference brought 550 women together at Music Hall for inspiring presentations and inspired connections. Thinking the summit was enough for the year alongside our Ascending Women Event Series with MadTree Brewing, and yet…growth and expansion continued. In the fall of 2023, we launched the Women’s Well•Being Summit that focused on the financial, mental & sexual well•being of women. We built that summit in less than four weeks and the impact was incredible: 250 women in attendance, panels & keynotes on each topic, asking questions like we never have before.
For 2025, we are building the Power to Pursue Spring Summit, programming for teens and establishing in a new city or two, and launching the Power to Pursue Podcast! Don’t forget to catch us at the Ascending Women Speaker Series at MadTree.
We’ve launched programming in two cities with plans to continue growing! Follow along to see what we’re doing in Lawrenceburg and Cleveland.
Collaboration is at the heart of Power to Pursue.
Our team of strong, bright women prove that one person’s success feeds another’s. These are the people who make Power to Pursue possible.
There’s no denying we are stronger together.
Thank you to our corporate and local sponsors for supporting this vision.